This is a problem that causes a spectrum of symptoms like mild but nagging pain in the upper back, or sometimes severe abnormal and painful grinding sensation in the upper back. Typical area of pain and grinding sensation ANATOMY The area around the shoulder blade is surrounded by powerful back muscles. Under the shoulder blade, and between these muscles, lie…
Introduction: Suprascapular nerve injuries have become increasingly recognized as a cause of shoulder pain and dysfunction1. Recent advances in diagnostic and surgical techniques have simplified the management of injuries of this nerve. The purpose of this article is to provide a simplistic overview of this condition for medical practitioners and patients. Historical aspects: Kopell and Thomson are often credited with…
ACROMIO-CLAVICULAR JOINT (AC JOINT) DEGENERATION (Weight-lifter’s shoulder) Anatomy of the AC joint: The acromioclavicular joint is the small joint on the top of the shoulder. It connects the tip of the clavicle (collar bone) to the acromion (shoulder bone). It is held together by ligaments between the two bones as well as strong ligaments between the collar bone and the…
IMPINGEMENT Impingement is a shoulder condition found mostly in people in the 40-60 year old age group. It implies abnormal friction between the rotator cuff tendons and the overlying bone. Anatomy: The rotator cuff is the tendon belonging to the muscles, which help to elevate the arm. It passes underneath a bony roof, the acromion. The tendons of the rotator…
INTRODUCTION: S.L.A.P. is an acronym for Superior Labrum Anterior Posterior, which simply means that the attachment of the long tendon of the biceps is torn away from the upper end of the shoulder socket. (Superior Labrum=Biceps attachment, Anterior=front, Posterior=back). ANATOMY: The Biceps is an upper arm muscle that acts across the shoulder and elbow joints. At the elbow, it helps…
The Biceps is an upper limb muscle that acts across the shoulder and elbow joints. At the elbow, it helps to bend the joint. At the shoulder, its function is more complex and incompletely understood. The biceps has two tendons around the shoulder: the long tendon passes inside the joint via a groove in the ball and attaches to the…